What/who inspired the work? The underground comics of Robert Crumb have served as a source of inspiration for The Comics Section. Crumb is an artist known for his satirical and controversial magazines, which address social and political criticism as well as personal and psychological aspects. His work has received widespread recognition for its ability to stimulate thought and promote alternative viewpoints.
What do you hope its viewers will feel/think? I hope that the viewers will understand that this section is a statement in the format of a digital comic magazine that can be downloaded for free. The panels explain the main concepts of the Davis Museum with a playful tone.
Why did you choose the medium, subject matter, style?
Upon discovering BitStrips, an eye-catching comic strip creation program that has since been discontinued several years ago and absorbed into SnapChat, I decided to utilize its comic strips to create a new section, The Comics Section. The protagonist of the story is an independent museum director who proclaims, like a contemporary Moses, the Ten Commandments of the Museum the Ten Commandments of the Museum, in a satirical manner.
The Comics Section From Davis Museum
Davis LisboaThe Comic Book Section from Davis Museum by Davis Lisboa, 2016.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaI. Thou shalt love Contemporary Art above anything else.2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaII. Thou shalt tirelessly criticize traditional museums.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaIII. Thou shalt not sell or rent the Davis Museum or any works within the Davis Museum collection.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaIV. Thou shalt not charge artists to exhibit and shall not charge visitors an admission fee.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaV. Thou shalt donate the entire Davis Museum, including all works in the collection, to the MACBA.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaVI. Thou shalt honor contemporary artists.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaVII. Thou shalt extol artists and their works through the Internet, massively.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaVIII. Thou shalt create an online digital archive.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaIX. Thou shalt not lie in any published information on the Davis Museum website.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaX. Thou shalt create a museum unique and exclusively for the benefit of artists and and the society of today and tomorrow.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaNormally, visionary artists generate rejection.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740 Davis LisboaReject traditional museums!!,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaGive me a museum and I’ll change society!.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaThe Davis Museum deconstructs the logic of power.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaThe Davis Museum is for the person, not the power.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaThe ballot box is the temple of democratic art.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaA museum is an activity, not a building.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaMy museum exists!! It isn’t only a question!!,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaI founded a ballot box museum in ’09 and collected 1,000,000,000 “Likes” on Facebook.,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaShare your knowledge!!,2015, digital image, 896 x 740
Davis LisboaAnother museum is possible!!,2015, digital image, 896 x 740