What/who inspired the work?
This section has a format of memes that was created against the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States and against the War in Ukraine declared by Vladimir Putin. The manifesto is formally inspired by the memes that circulate on the Internet and that have all kinds of critical content: social, political, financial, even humorous. From a conceptual point of view, I have been inspired by the article "Ur-Fascism" by Umberto Eco for the New York Review of Books (1995), in which he refers to primitive fascism characterized by ideas of traditionalism, rejection of modernity, irrationality, single-mindedness, racism, appeals to declining middle classes and obsession with conspiracy both by internal and external enemies.
What do you hope its viewers will feel/think?
I hope viewers understand that this section has been created to oppose the presidency of Donald Trump due to his lack of commitment to human rights and economic inequalities. His "America First" policy has not only damaged international relations, but it has also perpetuated the gap between the rich and poor in the United States. Additionally, his support for authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin and lack of action on environmental issues are concerning and go against social democratic values of equality and justice.
As well as opposing the war in Ukraine, an armed conflict that is having a devastating human and economic cost. We must work towards peaceful and just solutions, and condemn any external intervention that only serves to exacerbate the situation. Additionally, we must support affected communities and seek a political solution that respects Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and protects the rights of all citizens involved.
Why did you choose the medium, subject matter, style?
I chose the digital medium due to its flexibility and efficiency in creating content, as well as its low cost and viral capability to reach a larger audience. The subject I chose are the most controversial political figures that deserve our most fierce opposition. I have chosen the satirical style of memes, which combine photography and text to challenge dominant narratives and generate critical reflection on the politics that we must defend. Resist!