What/who inspired the work?
The work that inspired "The Videoexhibition Section From Davis Museum Barcelona" was a dramatic television commercial for Duralex from the 1970s, aired in Brazil, in which a plate was shown falling to the ground in slow motion, hitting it and not breaking, with a completely black background.What do you hope its viewers will feel/think?
I hope that viewers will grasp the distinction between Marcel Duchamp's Boite-en-valise, Robert Filliou's Galerie légitime, and Marcel Broodthaers's Musée d'Art Moderne, Département des Aigles, which all embody a 20th century Zeitgeist, and the Davis Museum Barcelona, which is uniquely characterized by the 21st century digital milieu, the informational society, and social media.
Why did you choose the medium, subject matter, style?
I chose the medium of short video art to showcase the works of the artists on a YouTube profile in an attempt to break down the walls of the museum. In this way, videoexhibitions are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time, and for this reason, the exhibitions at the Davis Museum strive to be an online museum, with a viral intent and always having an opening date but never a closing date.
Current Videoexhibition
Opening: 2025 Winter Exhibition For The Future