What/who inspired the work?
The Fluxus art movement, active in the 1960s, was known for its use of unconventional materials and mediums in their works, including stamps. These stamps, created by artists associated with the movement, were not only functional postal tools, but also served as a means of artistic expression. As a result, the stamps produced by Fluxus artists have become an important aspect of the movement's history and have been the source of inspiration for my own work.
What do you hope its viewers will feel/think? I hope that the viewers will be aware that both the eagle mask, as well as the top hat and suitcase as a smiling emoji, were objects that I have specially constructed for the purpose of capturing these photographs. They are self-portraits that reinterpret the works and construct the narrative about artists who create their own museums: Boîte-en-valise, Galerie Légitime, and the Musée d'Art Moderne, Département des Aigles.
Why did you choose the medium, subject matter, style?
This section from The Davis Museum consists of 25 real custom stamps produced by the Real Casa de la Moneda - Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (RCM - FNMT),
meeting all the requirements and guarantees of their own security from the effects of postage. The postage stamps will be inserted into the literal RATE A, whose value is equivalent to the
national standard rate card. RATE A is for domestic shipments of standard letters and postcards up to 20 grams. Therefore, the time and level of service in the Postal Network will be equivalent
to the actual postage of 0.34 € (2016). This limited edition of only 25 stamps is not available for ordinary use, but exclusively for public and private collections.
Stamp 04/25 - Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Stamp 03/25 - Francesc Torres Collection, Barcelona, Spain.
Stamp 02/25 - Rose Marie Barrientos Collection, Barcelona, Spain.
Stamp 01/25 - La Erreria (House of Bent) Collection, Xátiva, Spain.
Davis Lisboa,Where to Find the Stamps form Davis Museum,2009-on going, digital map, variable sizeDavis Lisboa,Davis Museum (Stamps),2016, adhesive phosphorescent paper, 1,1 x 1,57 in (28,8 x 40,9 mm) without perforation.
Davis Lisboa,Marcel Broodtahers #4 (Stamps),2016, adhesive phosphorescent paper, 1,1 x 1,57 in (28,8 x 40,9 mm) without perforation.
Davis Lisboa,Robert Filliou #3 (Stamps),2016, adhesive phosphorescent paper, 1,1 x 1,57 in (28,8 x 40,9 mm) without perforation.
Davis Lisboa,Marcel Duchamp #4 (Stamps),2016, adhesive phosphorescent paper, 1,1 x 1,57 in (28,8 x 40,9 mm) without perforation.