Davis Lisboa:
Did you like the work Untitled / Water Glass by Terry Berkowitz ? Why?
Alex Mitrani:
Yes. I liked the work because I think it is a circular work, circular, like the glass. I like this state of
clarity and indecision that the work generates all at the same time. It is a transparent work, diaphanous,
but at the same time, it is ambiguous and dual, as she explained in her interview in the video. It is an open work,
yet not part of a poetic discussion, but rather it is related to the obligation we all have to position ourselves
politically concerning the real. From a historian's point of view, the piece has echoes of other historical pieces
but is poetic. I think the origin of all this could be Air de Paris by Marcel Duchamp (especially when I see a
transparent bubble). It is a small object, a glass that is part of the trousseau, that is, the things we have at home,
the dishes, etc. It is a non-decorative object, almost invisible, but part of that family of household objects,
yet significant. It is a kind of symbolic cup and that refers to the deceptive and the hollow. I do not believe that
the artist intends to deal with the feminine. I think the main idea is the dilemma of psychology at a very popular,
almost self-help level that incites phrases such as: "You have to be optimistic! You have to read the glass half full,
instead of half-empty! ", But in reality, as she explains, the important thing is that the glass is empty because,
although you have the illusion that you choose, you choose something inconsistent. That is what has happened in part
with contemporary democracies, which is generating so many thinkers; and so many citizens are eager to discuss these
issues. As for Trump, this would be like a glass of plastic beer, an example of crude facility, lack of judgment and
an unthinking and violent impulse to impose itself on the rest. It is exactly the opposite of Untitled / Water Glass
where you can find the subtlety, the paradox and that which forces you to think. It seems to me good work.

Inauguration view: December 14th, 2017
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Chocolate Coin by Meschac Gaba at the Davis Museum, Installation view
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Chocolate Coin by Meschac Gaba at the Davis Museum, Installation view
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Inauguration view: December 14th, 2017
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Inauguration view: December 14th, 2017
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Inauguration view: December 14th, 2017
Galería Blanca Soto Arte, Madrid, Spain.

Monographic on Davis Museum with the participation of the following artists: Bill Burns, Àlvar Calvet, Tónia Coll, Meschac Gaba, Helen Grant, Davis Lisboa, Franco Longo, Yoko Ono, Clarisse Tarran, Kim Vose Jones, Lewis & Taggart and Francesc Torres.
2017, Antimuseo and Nadie, Nunca, Nada, No, Madrid, Spain.

2017, Antimuseo and Nadie, Nunca, Nada, No, Madrid, Spain.

2017, ArtHelix Art Gallery, Brookliyn, USA.

The day when The Davis Museum meets The Harddiskmuseum
2017, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain.

Filming day of Terry Berkowitz's video exhibition at The Parliament of Catalonia
2017, The Davis Museum, Parlament de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Filming day of Terry Berkowitz's video exhibition at The Parliament of Catalonia
2017, The Davis Museum, Parlament de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Davis Lisboa, "Alex Mitrani, REF Nº190, man, Barcelona, Spain, Professor of Art Historian and Curator of Exhibitions", 2017, digital photography, 2120 x 2120.

Visitors talking
2016, Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain.

Catarina Leitão | Davis Lisboa | Anna Recasens
Inauguration: May 21, 2016, NauEstruch, Sabadell, Spain.

Catarina Leitão | Davis Lisboa | Anna Recasens
Inauguration: May 21, 2016, NauEstruch, Sabadell, Spain.

a Skype conference by art historian Rose Marie Barrientos
2016, IHEAP New York (The Institute des hautes études en arts plastiques) - Barcelona, Spain

a Skype conference by art historian Rose Marie Barrientos
Davis Museum's study case by Davis Lisboa
2016, IHEAP New York (The Institute des hautes études en arts plastiques) - Barcelona, Spain

Installation view Curated by Francesca Brusa & Costanza Sartoris
2015, Archive Box Museum & The Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain

Installation view, curated by Frederico Dalton
2015, Galeria Transparente

Launch of the cutout in Laie Libreria
2015, MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Launch of the cutout in Laie Libreria
2015, MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Installation view, Curated by María María Acha-Kutscher
2015, The Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain

Curated by Juan Cuéllar Costa
2014, Casa Sotoa, Malaga, Spain.

Curated by Juan Cuéllar Costa
2014, Casa Sotoa, Malaga, Spain.

Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Harn Museum, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Harn Museum, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Harn Museum, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Harn Museum, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Ben Patterson performing Tristan and Isolde, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Installation view, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Installation view, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Installation view, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Installation view, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Sean Miller | Ben Patterson | Connie Hwang | Museum Grounds | Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum by Davis Lisboa, Curated by Sean Miller
2014, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida, USA

Hou Hanru Hear Us by Bill Burns at Davis Museum, Curated by Davis Lisboa
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Maite Alonso

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
by Davis Lisboa , with the collaboration of Virginia Lagarza and the public
2013, Centro del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Photography by Jordi NN

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

The Concha Institute by Benedict Drew at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
Courtesy of the artist and Matts Gallery, London
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Overdubbed Scenes by Anna Clawson & Nicole Ward at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Overdubbed Scenes by Anna Clawson & Nicole Ward at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Overdubbed Scenes by Anna Clawson & Nicole Ward at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Margate Subterranea by Bridgette Ashton at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Margate Subterranea by Bridgette Ashton at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Margate Subterranea by Bridgette Ashton at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Margate Subterranea by Bridgette Ashton at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Shirt/Television by Andy Warhol selected by Lenka Clayton
selected by Michael Crowe. Andy Warhol selected by Paul Hazelton
selected by Matthew de Pulford at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Shirt/Television by Andy Warhol selected by Lenka Clayton
selected by Michael Crowe. Andy Warhol selected by Paul Hazelton
selected by Matthew de Pulford at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Shirt/Television by Andy Warhol selected by Lenka Clayton
selected by Michael Crowe. Andy Warhol selected by Paul Hazelton
selected by Matthew de Pulford at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Shirt/Television by Andy Warhol selected by Lenka Clayton
selected by Michael Crowe. Andy Warhol selected by Paul Hazelton
selected by Matthew de Pulford at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Magical Crystal Garden by Betts Robinson at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Magical Crystal Garden by Betts Robinson at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Magical Crystal Garden by Betts Robinson at Davis Museum, Curated by Sacha Waldron
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom
Photographer: Áine Belton

Quotes Section from Davis Museum (Unusual Conference) Performance
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom
Photographer: Áine Belton

Hou Hanru Hear Us by Bill Burns at Davis Museum
2013,Crate, Margate, United Kingdom

Miho Shimizu and Oyvind Renberg (Danger Museum), Davis Lisboa (Davis Museum)
2013, Spor Klübü, Berlin, Germany

Miho Shimizu and Oyvind Renberg (Danger Museum), Davis Lisboa (Davis Museum)
2013, Spor Klübü, Berlin, Germany

Davis Museum, Davis Lisboa, Plexiglas and vinyl label, variable size
2013, Busto Arsizio, Italy

John Erickson Museum of Art: Dustpan Gallery for Art Museum Dust (with dust ball made of dust from over 70 art museums),
Sean Miller, J, 2010-11, wood, cardboard, leather and dust, 6,1 x 6,1 x 1,9 in
2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

John Erickson Museum of Art: Dustpan Gallery for Art Museum Dust (with dust ball made of dust from over 70 art museums),
Sean Miller, J, 2010-11, wood, cardboard, leather and dust, 6,1 x 6,1 x 1,9 in
2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

Davis Lisboa, Asunción Molinos, Marko Lulic, Ellen Harvey and Bill Birns
2011, , Bristol, United Kingdom
Photographer: Jamie Woodley

2011, Plexiglas, vinyl, metacrylate, wood, iPod and speaker, 55,9 x 15,7 x 15,7 in (base).

2011, Acrylic on lead pieces and Jelena Kostica's work, 2,3 x 2,5 x 1,3 in

2011, acrylic on plastic toy, 7 x 7 x 5,9 in

2010, Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain

2010, Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain

2010, Davis Museum Showroom, Barcelona, Spain

2010, Davis Museum Showroom, Barcelona, Spain

Gouache on cadboard Toy, 7,6 x 5,7 x 3,1 in
2010, MuBE - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura Collection, São Paulo, Brazil

2011, MuBE, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, São Paulo, Brazil

2011, MuBE, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, São Paulo, Brazil

2011, MuBE, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, São Paulo, Brazil

2011, Davis Museum Showroom, Barcelona, Spain

2010, FluxMuseum, Texas, USA

Group Video Show at Davis Museum (Edition 1/1)
2010, Barcelona, Spain

2009, Centre Cívic Parc-Sandaru, Barcelona, Spain

2009, Museo Karura Art Centre (MKAC), Second Life

2009, Museo Karura Art Centre (MKAC), Second Life

2009, LACDA, Los Angeles Center for Digital Arts, Los Angeles, USA